About Iowa Collaborative Divorce
Welcoming and supporting those called to practice in new ways
Iowa Collaborative Divorce is an open practice group. If your heart has called you to this work and you have completed the required trainings you are welcome to join and we will support you on your professional journey. The practice of collaborative divorce is grounded in integrity, dignity, authenticity, transparency and trust. Our relationships within the practice group are what allow us to bring these values into the room and model them for clients. For this reason, we also ask that prior to applying you meet with at least two members of our group to learn more about the practice and make sure that we are a good fit for each other
Requirements of Membership:
- Completion of the introductory interdisciplinary collaborative practice training (15 hours)
- Completion of family law mediation training (40 hours). The mediation training may be completed within 6 months of application.
- Membership in the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. We are a “whole group” so by joining ICD you will get a discount on IACP membership.
- Provide names of two ICD members you met with prior to applying.
- Our membership dues are $100/year. Invoices go out in January and are due February 1st.
Interested in becoming a member?
Leadership Team
Connect with the ICD Leadership Team at Leadership@IowaCollaborativeDivorce.com
To search the ICD Leadership Team members, visit the new ICD Directory Page.